Sunday, March 30, 2014

Class 3/25/14

Last class we were able to observe teachers collaborating in order to produce a lesson plan. I was able to see exactly what happens when teachers plan together. The two teachers who are working together to teach a class collaborated very well, and were able to bounce ideas off one another in order to discover the best way to teach their students. It went very smoothly, which I was impressed by how well they worked together. I think teacher collaboration is a great thing because it allows ideas from two people to be discussed, and in the end only the best ideas from each person are incorporated into a lesson plan. This allows the lessons to be stronger and more efficient. I would love to be able to work with another teacher to design lesson plans because it will be much more beneficial to the education of my students. For my lessons that I am required to teach this semester I plan on collaborating with another student in my class to teach at least one lesson. It will be interesting to see which will be more effective, the one I teach alone or the one I teach with another student.

Another thing I learned from last class was the importance of asking questions that force students to think critically. This is something that I need to practice doing, because I have noticed myself asking simply, knowledge based questions in the past, which is way at the bottom of Bloom’s Taxonomy. I will make sure to use more of these higher thinking questions when I teach my lessons this semester. I will try my best to get use to the awkward silence that usually follows when I ask these sorts of questions. I believe this is something I can easily get better at with practice and determination. The Importance of Higher Thinking Questioning


Monday, March 24, 2014

Observation #1

Today I observed my first of four observations of my assigned teacher's class. I arrived at the school at 8am, and stayed for the first period class which lasted 70 minutes. The class I was observing was an ELA inclusion class that consisted of 12 tenth grade students. There was also another teacher present who was there to assist with students who had IEP's. When I arrived I sat down at a desk in the back to blend in the classroom. The class begun with the teacher handing out worksheets that contained sentences that were taken from the novel The Lord of the Flies. Students were told to try to find the meaning of each underlined word by using context clues or a dictionary. I noticed that the teacher explained the directions first to the students, and then did the first question with the students. I thought this was well executed because it allowed students the chance to fully understand what they were being asked to do. The students then took about 15 minutes to finish up the worksheet while one teacher coached students one by one on the sentences. While observing the class, I noticed that student engagement seemed high, which was exciting. Every student seemed to be on task completing their work. I also noticed the room was arranged in a horseshoe shape, which I liked because I was able to view every student in the room’s face, with the exception of the two students sitting in front of me.

            After each student has finished their assignment, the teacher took the time to go over the sentences as a class. She read the sentences out loud one by one, and then asked students to share their answers. I thought this was nice because it gave students a voice, and I noticed that almost the entire class had taken a turn to speak by the time the worksheet review was over. There were a couple of shy students, but the teacher sought them out and had them share their answers just like the rest of the class. This was nice to see because it enabled each student to learn because every student was expected to speak, everyone was required to be alert.

After the worksheet review was finished, the teacher had students read the novel The Lord of the Flies aloud, with each student having a different character to read. This started off well, but then I noticed that only three students had the opportunity to speak at this part of the book. I noticed that during the 20 minute reading session, two students had their hands down on their desk and their books closed. Another student was drawing a picture and had his book away. Other than three students, the class seemed to be engaged in the text. I also noticed that the teacher would stop from time to time and discuss what was being read, and would stop and ask predications before reading a new chapter. This ties into the pre-reading and during reading activities, and this teacher was doing well keeping most students engaged with the text. After finishing up the chapter, the books were closed, and the teacher quickly gave out homework instructions before the bell rang. I think this class over all went smoothly. However I think there is room for improvement with the read aloud assignments because I believe every student should have a line to say during each class in order to stay alert and engaged in the text.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Chpater 5 & 7 Subjects Matter

This week’s reading of Subjects Matter Chapter Five provided many examples on how to implement pre-reading, during reading, and after reading strategies into the classroom. Some of the exercises listed I was already familiar with, but the majority of them were new to me. I was intrigued by all the different strategies, and I could definitely see myself using many of them in my future classroom. Other than the multiple examples provided, one point I took from this chapter is that it is critical to work with students before, while, and after they read in order to help them understand the material. Just assigning students a text without any guidance or discussion is not enough. As teachers, we need to use activities and guided questions to help students make sense of what they are going to read, are reading, or are finished reading.   

            I also found Chapter Seven equally as important in this week’s readings as Chapter Five. In Chapter Seven, Daniels and Zemelman stress the importance of having a community in the school. I highly agree with the idea that the classroom news to be a home to trust, where students can feel comfortable going to their teacher for questions and concerns. It may not sound like much, but I have found in my own experiences that this can determine whether or not I enjoy a class. I remember having teachers in middle and high school where I did not understand something, but I was terrified to ask them for help because if I did they would get mad that I did not understand it the first time. As teachers, we must understand that not every student will understand everything we teach, especially not the first time we teach it. We need to have patient and make sure that students feel comfortable enough to come to us with questions. I think one way of doing this is to encourage students to talk to other students or their teacher if they have any concerns or questions. This is an important part of learning, and as teachers, we should be very understanding of students who may need extra help; part of our job to make sure we are reaching all of our students.   

Importance of Community in a Classroom

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parent Panel

Last class (2/24/14) I enjoyed having the opportunity to hear what parents would like to see from their children’s teachers. Going into the education field, I have always had slight anxiety when thinking about the fact that I am required to communicate with parents. I am not saying that I don’t think communicating with parents is important, I am simply saying that I have been nervous about the possibility of my teaching not pleasing parents, or not having parental support in order to help students succeed. Last week’s class helped me to address these repressed fears, and I now feel much more comfortable with the idea of working collaboratively with my students’ parents. The parent panel helped me to realize something that should have been obvious to me, parents simply want what is best for their child, just as I do for my students. I really liked hearing that parents prefer to have a relationship with their child’s teacher, and that they would like to be able to communicate freely with each other. The idea of teachers contacting parents to update them on how their child is doing, whether good or bad, is something that I never had during my years of public school. My parents were never contacted by any of my teachers, simply because I always did my work and I never was in danger of failing a class. Looking back, I believe it would have been beneficial for both my parents and I if my teachers contacted my parents to tell them about my success. I know this would have not only made my parents proud of me, but it also would have made me feel more confident in my work, and allowed me to form a better relationship with my teacher. Being a future educator, this is something I definitely would like to apply to my practice. The idea of calling two parents per day is not an unreasonable request. It also will be beneficial to my practice because it will allow me to gain parental support. If parents know what we are doing in the class, they will be more likely to push their child to complete their work in order to succeed. Although I do believe the negative phone calls are also essential in order to help a student from falling behind before it’s too late, I think the positive phone calls will also be beneficial, and also much easier to make as a teacher. The parent panel was a great experience and I hope to apply all of their advice to my future practice as an educator.


I found this article which gives pointers on how teachers and parents can communicate: